Preparing Your Toddler for the New Baby

You come out of the bathroom super happy—tell your spouse you are pregnant…. Both excited and happy to have baby number two.

Later on, you cuddle your toddler who is very clingy and needs you most of the day… thoughts start entering your mind; how will my toddler do with a baby around? are they old enough to understand I still love them? What if they feel resentful to the baby or towards me?


Well, here are some tips on getting your toddler prepared for baby’s big arrival…

Prior to baby’s big arrival:

  1. Talk about the baby that is coming. Whether they are one years old or 16 years old; talk often. Be sure they understand or partially understand (if they are younger, it may be simpler) that there is a baby is your belly and soon baby will be in the house.

2. Get baby dolls. Yes, even if your child is a boy. It’s helpful to have a doll in the house…. Wrap the doll in a blanket and rock the baby, grab a bottle and feed the baby, and put the baby in the bassinet, swing, and/or crib to go night-night.


3. Bring out the baby items a couple months before baby arrives. Setting out the baby swing in the living room, the high chair in the kitchen, getting the crib ready… Show your child how those things work by placing the baby doll inside to “enjoy” sleeping or playing in them.

Even bring out baby/infant toys. Keeping an open mind that if your child is even three years old, they may find a new interest in these toys themselves… they are “new” to them. It’s okay to let them play with these toys. Let them know that they can show the new baby all these toys, maybe even have them show their baby doll the toys beforehand.

There are other items that are good to have out prior to baby arrives, such as bottles, pacifiers, and baby towels. You’ll want your older toddler or child to get use to these items around and maybe ask questions about them prior to baby’s big arrival.

Many people have a Baby Sprinkle when they are p  regnant with their second child. If this is the case and you receive many items still in the box (or even if you go shopping and buy something), get your child involved in opening the box, and helping you put the items together or put them where they need to go.

4. We all know we can’t predict when baby may arrive (unless you have a scheduled cesarean section on the calendar). So, when it’s getting closer to your due date or around the time you had your other child… prepare them for what will happen when baby decides to come. Will mommy and daddy both leave the house when grandma comes to stay with them? Are you dropping them off at a neighbor when baby is ready to come? Be sure to be as specific as your child needs… some need more details than others. Also, ask your child if something would be helpful for them while you’re away, such as a photo of you or a certain stuffed animal, or you’re going to video chat with your child at certain points during your time away.

There are many ways to prepare your toddler for baby’s big arrival but being understanding, loving, and caring throughout the whole pregnancy is important.

We discussed talking to your child about baby, setting up baby items all over the house, bringing out toys, pacifiers, bottles, and more, getting a baby doll, letting your toddler help you put things where they go, and discussing with them what will happen to them when you go into labor.

You got this, mama!

Having a hard time during this pregnancy with a toddler running around:
Click Here for some tips to make it easier on YOU


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