As the sun sets, signaling the end of another seemingly endless day, moms everywhere yearn for just a few precious hours of uninterrupted sleep. But alas, the universe seems to conspire against them, with tiny humans, household chores, and an endless to-do list ensuring that elusive slumber remains hard to come by.
Being a stay-at-home mom is no easy task. Juggling a house full of children, household duties, and other responsibilities can leave you feeling like you are running a marathon every day.
Cuddling your toddler who is very clingy and needs you most of the day… thoughts start entering your mind; how will my toddler do with a baby around? are they old enough to understand I still love them? What if they feel resentful to the baby or towards me?
Read more...We all know that children prefer to play with the box or the paper or even the garbage before they will play with any toy. It is fun, new, and they can get creative with it.
Did you know that it takes a child 10 to 15 times of trying a food before their taste buds will develop a taste for it? When children taste things for the first time, it is almost like a package deal—they use their sense of smell and visual cues from others to determine what they are going to eat.