Exploring Natural Relief of Cancer Side Effects with Herbs and Supplements

Exploring Natural Relief of Cancer Side Effects with Herbs and Supplements
Cancer treatment, while crucial in fighting the disease, can often come with a range of unpleasant side effects. Nausea, fatigue, and taste changes are just a few common ones that can significantly impact a patient's quality of life. Thankfully, alongside conventional medicine, some natural remedies can offer relief. 

To the Oncology Nurse

To the Children’s Oncology Nurse:

Thank you. You are the one that reached your arm out and said “I will go on this ride with you”.


Small Bump in the Road

The moment it started to happen… my stomach was hurting, my eyes filled with tears, and I whispered in her ear “you are so beautiful and strong”. She may not understand those words quite yet, but I will ALWAYS remind her of the strengthen God has given her.


Photo Overload

 Driving in the car today, I had this thought in my head “why am I taking so many pictures of our warrior as she is going through such a difficult journey?” And to be honest, I don’t know if I have the answer to this question.


From the Eyes of My Child – The Beginning of Her Cancer Journey

From the Eyes of My Child – The Beginning of Her Cancer Journey

There are moments in life that need lots of explanation and understanding but when you are a child, you don’t always understand the explanation. So, as a parent you do the best you can to comfort them and reassure them that you are there.

Our cancer journey started out with surgery on our fifteen-month-old baby girl. I, myself, will never understand why something like this happens to children (or anyone) … but can you imagine being that little girl, sitting on the bed with absolutely no understanding.