Driving in the car today, I had this thought in my head “why am I taking so many pictures of our warrior as she is going through such a difficult journey?” And to be honest, I don’t know if I have the answer to this question.

As I sit and reflect on this question—I have come up with many reasons but most of them contradict one another and I don’t even know if they are the right reasons.

Many of you know, my now 18-month-old daughter has been fighting a cancer battle since she was 15 months old. Her current journey has gotten more intense with more chemotherapy drugs and AFO’s (leg braces) due to neuropathy.

So why am I taking all these pictures? One possible reason could be to share this journey with her as she grows older. My sweet warrior probably won’t remember much of this rough journey she was on in her life.

My girl needs to see how strong she was and will always be. The obstacles she has overcome already and will continue to overcome-- this will only give her hope. Hope that she can accomplish anything life throws at her. Hope and faith in the Lord.

That was another thing that came to my head when thinking of this question—I want her to know God and how much He loves her. These photos, cards, and souvenirs that I am saving are wonderful reminders of God’s love.

The beautiful words written on the cards from people she didn’t even know…

The fun little gifts she got in the mail…

She will always know God and the role He played in her journey and will continue to play throughout her life. He is the reason we are making it through this journey. He is the reason for the hope and peace that I have felt. I pray that because of this journey, she reaches out to God and develops her own relationship with Him throughout life.

Life is so beautiful and these photos will show her how precious life is.

When going through something this traumatic, you really hold onto all the beauty around you and enjoy the simplest things. Life is full of beauty, enjoy it and notice it.

So, I think I have come to the conclusion that pictures can mean a million things. Do you like taking photos? Are you a scrapbooker, or crafter when it comes to sentimental things?

I know that no matter what, I want the photos in this journey to represent the GOOD that have come out of it.

Is there part of your journey that you wish you had photos of? Maybe your parents didn’t take many photos when you were younger and now you wish they had… OR maybe you are the type of parent that takes a million random pictures throughout the day, and that’s okay too.

Whatever your reason for taking photos, just know that they have significance to you and possibly the people in the photos.

So, if it means taking photos to remember a part of your life or to show someone what that part of your journey felt like… then go for it, mama. Photos can say a million different things.


Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for fun videos and being real about my daughters cancer journey.  

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