Why Didn't He Pick Up Those Socks?

Why Didn't He Pick Up Those Socks?

Do you feel like you are doing it all? Do you ever look at your spouse or significant other and think “why don’t you notice that something needs to get done”?


3 Steps to a Good Day

3 Steps to a Good Day
Do your kids wake you up in the morning and your first thought is ‘here we go again’? Are you looking for ways to start your day off well and continue to have a good day? Here are some things you can do to ensure you have a good day.

Non-Toxic Cleaner

Non-Toxic Cleaner
Do you have babies crawling on the floor? Are you toddlers always willing to help you clean? Do you stay up late at night to get the cleaning done because everyone else is sleeping and they won’t ingest the fumes?
Well do I have a solution for you.

You Aren't JUST a Stay-At-Home Mom

You Aren't JUST a Stay-At-Home Mom
When someone asks you what you do for a living and you use that daunting four letter word – what are you really telling them?

Easy Cheeseburger Sliders

Easy Cheeseburger Sliders
These are easy to make and when I give these to the kids they don’t get mad at me for cutting it (because I don't need to cut them). We all love this recipe so I thought I would share the yumminess.
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