Many of us love the idea of creating fun gingerbread houses with our children but the thought of all the materials needed, the time helping our children, and all the mess can be a little scary. This is why I decided to go a little simpler this year.

Creating these trees was super simple and fun for the kids. I let them each create three Holiday Trees with frosting, sprinkles, and M&M’s. They were so excited about this activity!

As we got started, I realized that this is not only a fun Holiday activity but it is also great for their fine motor skills as well. They were all working very hard, concentrating on putting the green frosting all over the cone.

This part did require some of my assistance with my two-year old after she tried for a bit.

Then you take the holiday sprinkles and put it all over the tree. The kids and I decided the sprinkles were the lights on the Holiday Tree.

If the kids didn’t eat all of their M&M’s then they were able to put them onto their tree as ornaments. Each child created their trees in a different way and they each had stories to tell along the way.

There are so many other fun ingredients that you can get to make your trees such as pull-apart licorice to wrap around your trees. Or little gummy bears that can stand around the tree. Get creative when making your Holiday Trees.

*Tip: If using sprinkles, it is always easier clean up to put the trees on a paper plate or a big cookie sheet with edges.

The frosting will start to harden as the hours and days go by so enjoy your treat or use them as décor until they go bad.

Happy Holidays!

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