Photo Overload

 Driving in the car today, I had this thought in my head “why am I taking so many pictures of our warrior as she is going through such a difficult journey?” And to be honest, I don’t know if I have the answer to this question.


Don't Worry about the Mess

Have you ever looked at your house and thought… If someone came over right now, I would be horrified? Or maybe you’ve always made sure to run around and clean your house all day long, just in case this were to happen.

Whatever the reason is for you to have a clean house or a messy house… it’s okay.


It's Fun to Create Routine

During this crazy, overwhelming, blessed filled life, we also get the opportunity to mold and teach our children about life—creating routines with them.


Prioritizing Self-Care in the Season of Raising Littles

Hey mama, I see you. You’re running around the house, trying to clean up after the kids, do the laundry, cook meals, and stay sane. Being a mama is not easy; it’s messy, it’s crazy, BUT . . . it’s also a huge blessing.


Cheerio Bars

Okay mama, this recipe is so simple--- you’re going to love it.

Weather your Cheerios are about to go bad or you need to find an easy recipe for your kids—this is the one for you.

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