It's Fun to Create Routine

During this crazy, overwhelming, blessed filled life, we also get the opportunity to mold and teach our children about life—creating routines with them.


Prioritizing Self-Care in the Season of Raising Littles

Hey mama, I see you. You’re running around the house, trying to clean up after the kids, do the laundry, cook meals, and stay sane. Being a mama is not easy; it’s messy, it’s crazy, BUT . . . it’s also a huge blessing.


Cheerio Bars

Okay mama, this recipe is so simple--- you’re going to love it.

Weather your Cheerios are about to go bad or you need to find an easy recipe for your kids—this is the one for you.


Darling, You are Magic

Darling, You are Magic
He tells me I am beautiful yet I still find something wrong with me.

Why do we always find something about ourselves that we don’t like? What is wrong with what God blessed us with? How do we shine with confidence in the world?

How to Get Rid of the Lemons

How do you handle the lemons that life throws at you? As a mother, I am sure you’ve had many things thrown at you… literally. Let’s say that life throws you an unforeseen circumstance, then how do you handle that?

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