Hey mama, I see you. 

You’re running around the house, trying to clean up after the kids, do the laundry, cook meals, and stay sane. Being a mama is not easy; it’s messy, it’s crazy, BUT . . . it’s also a huge blessing. 

Every morning, you wake up and tell yourself: It’s a new day; I will take time for myself during naptime. 

Naptime rolls around, but you realize there are dishes in the sink, and your three-year old won’t stay in her bed. After 45 minutes, you finally get your toddler down for a nap, but now your baby starts crying because he is hungry again! 

So much for having “me” time. 

You reassure yourself that after bedtime, you will take a bath and finally read your devotional (how long ago did you buy it? Has it been six months already?). But that night, bedtime doesn’t seem to be running as smoothly as you had hoped, so by the time you get the kids to stay in bed and fall asleep, you are exhausted. 

You Got This

I know what it’s like to desire time for myself, or time with God; but most days, I feel like there is just not enough time in the day. We are tired mamas, and we work hard, day and night. 

I’ve discovered that in order to spend more time with God (praying, listening, and talking to Him) then I NEED to make time for this. God is faithful, He is good, and most importantly, He is always there when we are ready. 

Our mindset must shift if we are going to make time for Him. He needs to be a priority. 

But how do we make this happen when we have no time? That part is easy. We must focus on what we are doing and decide whether or not it is a major priority. 

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Click the button above to find out WAYS to Calm The Chaos and Prioritize!

You got this, mama! 


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