From the moment you find our your going to be a mother to the moment you have that baby in your arms -- your life is forever changed!
Finding out you are pregnant can be the most exciting or the scariest moment of your life. There is a little being inside of you and now you have to make decisions—not only for yourself but for that baby as well.
During your pregnancy, so much changes you as a person. You are more careful, more aware, more resourceful. You start doing research and realize there is so much more to pregnancy and motherhood then you had originally thought. There are even fears of the unknown going through your mind.
You now have this strong bond with this baby that you have yet to meet in person. You carry this little one so safely inside… knowing there is nothing that can hurt them.
Then the unknown becomes reality. Your baby is laying on your chest and you are a MOTHER! This little baby is now yours. You have to take care of this child and you have no idea how to even do this. But guess what, you will figure it out. It may seem scary in the moment but as long as you are present, you will be a wonderful parent.
Did you know becoming a mother can make you more emotional? Not only because of all the hormones but because this is your child. All the little and big first, all the clothes you are putting away because they don’t fit, all the new unknowns that are about to come.
Did you know becoming a mother can make you more sensitive? Not only are your emotions on high when something changes or they grow older, but you become more sensitive to how they are feeling. When they are hurt, you hurt… when they are happy, you are beyond happy… when they are angry (even when angry at you), you may feel angry or sad too.
Did you know becoming a mother can make you more defensive? When someone asks a touchy question about your child or anything parenting related -- you get very defensive because this is your parenting and they have no right to question it. When someone doesn’t agree with a choice you made as a parent, it hurts and makes you feel vulnerable and defensive, all at the same time.
Did you know becoming a mother can make you more protective? Yes… the term “mama bear” is a real thing. I noticed this when I had my one-year old son playing on the playground and some girls thought they could tell him he couldn’t go down the small slides… my mama bear came out then and it has come out more than I ever thought it would. When it comes to your kids, you will protect them with all you have.
Did you know becoming a mother had so much love involved? When they place that small baby on your chest, your life changes forever. You have so much love for this little one and you didn’t even know this was possible. The love you now have for your child is endless!
Being a mother is a beautiful thing. It changes you but it changes you for the better. We all have those days when we are stressed and want to have a break – but we are forever changed for the better. I now have these little humans that I am raising to shine in this world and to provide a bright light for all to see.
Don’t forget to check out my FREE Guide on How to Calm Your Baby
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