The holiday season is a wonderful and joyous time, filled with decorations, gifts, and delicious treats. However, it's essential to remember that the true meaning of Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ.
So how can parents ensure that Jesus stays at the forefront of the holiday season amidst the festivities? Here are a few suggestions to help your family embrace the true meaning of Christmas.
The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and creating memorable moments with loved ones. However, for many moms, it can also be a time of overwhelming stress and never-ending to-do lists.
In the midst of all the festive chaos, it's crucial for moms to prioritize self-care, even if it feels difficult or selfish. Here's what self-care during the holiday season can look like and how moms can achieve it.
The holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right? But for many moms, the season can bring an overwhelming amount of stress. Between decorating, gift shopping, cooking, and attending endless events, it's no wonder we often feel like we're about to lose our holiday cheer.
As a former soccer player, I've experienced my fair share of exhaustion on the field. But today, I'm not here to talk about soccer; I'm here to talk about a different kind of exhaustion that has touched my very soul - mom exhaustion.
As the sun sets, signaling the end of another seemingly endless day, moms everywhere yearn for just a few precious hours of uninterrupted sleep. But alas, the universe seems to conspire against them, with tiny humans, household chores, and an endless to-do list ensuring that elusive slumber remains hard to come by.