Tips on Healthy Pregnancy

Tips on Healthy Pregnancy

There are many ways that a woman can stay healthy during pregnancy with what she takes internally and her activity level. But my favorite are the things we will talk about later in this article that you may not realize will assist in a healthy pregnancy.


Delayed Cord Clamping

Pregnancy is coming close to an end and now it’s time to think about childbirth…

What does childbirth entail? What are the stages of labor? And what happens directly postpartum while still in the hospital?


First Pregnancy Overwhelm

First Pregnancy Overwhelm

Your pregnancy has been going very well in comparison to other women whom you’ve talked to. There was minimal morning sickness and not much to complain about.

A family member has decided to throw you a baby shower and you are beyond excited. But now it’s time to register for baby things….



First Prenatal Appointment

The first prenatal visit is usually something you are unsure of what to expect.

That first prenatal visit may look slightly different for everyone.

Simple Ways to Prepare for Childbirth

You have reached the third trimester and the anxious, nervous feelings have started to arise. The crazy dreams have started and the intense urge to research and know everything about childbirth that you can.

These are normal feelings and I want you to know that you are not alone.

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